14044 Olive st.
Westminster, CA 92683
From the South
Take the 405 North, exit Beach Blvd North, take Beach Blvd to Westminster Blvd and turn left, proceed to second traffic light Olive St., turn left and turn into the second driveway.
From the North
Take the 405 South, exit Westminster Blvd East, take to Olive St. and turn right, then turn left into the second driveway.
From the East
Take the 22 West, exit Beach Blvd South, turn right on Westminster Blvd, take to second traffic light, turn left on Olive St., turn into the second driveway.
Behind the restaurant!
WARNING to GPS users:
Your GPS may put our location on the north side of Westminster we are on the south side. We are behind the restaruant.